Our Services

Bien vieillir chez soi Beausoleil is a community support organization that aims to promote aging in place for seniors.

One-stop shop information line

(506) 576-2100

Our central information line provides our members with information about support programs and services available for seniors in our community.

Meal delivery service

You can have access to home cooked meals delivered to your door.

* Members who use this service are responsible for the cost of their meals. (Funding support may be available through the Department of Social Development Long Term Care Program.)

Light outdoor maintenance

You can get help for light outdoor maintenance, such as raking leaves, shovelling front doors and access ramps to maintain safe outdoor spaces in winter, bringing out or storing patio furniture and BBQs, etc.

* We do not perform any work requiring professional services.

Social activities & workshops

Various community, social, cultural and educational activities are offered in order to promote healthy aging.

Computer activities

Members can receive technology support (computer, tablet, smart phone, Facebook, Teams, Zoom, Messenger, etc.).

Caregiver respite service

Caregivers who are members can receive respite services. Some conditions apply.

Visits and friendly calls

Are you lonely or do you have difficulty leaving your home? You can receive social visits or friendly calls from one of our volunteers.

Community transport services

You can take advantage of transportation services at a reasonable cost through Transport Kent. This service can be used for medical appointments, to get to your pharmacy, to go grocery shopping, to visit your bank or other necessities.

Contact Transport Kent at (506) 523-1239 or Toll free 1-855-588-1125 for more information.

Simple home repairs

Members can get help with minor repairs and light outdoor work such as replacing a light bulb, checking your smoke detectors, clearing snow from your porch steps, pulling out or storing patio furniture, etc.